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Ash, Cay Van, and Rohmer, Elizabeth, MASTER OF VILLAINY: A BIOGRAPHY OF SAX ROHMER, 1972, Bolling Green University Popular Press, HB and Trade. Cay Van Ash was an associate of the late Sax Rohmer, and his wife Elizabeth. This is about the only source of information about Arthur Sarsfield Ward, AKA Sax Rohmer. The authors' document Rohmer's involvement with the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglica and the Order of the Golden Dawn. I would have liked to see more hard documentation on Rohmer's occult activities (see ROMANCE OF SORCERY, 1973 entry). Cay Van Ash has written several new Fu Manchu novels in the last few years, that are rather good (1987 entry). |
Bean, Orson, ME AND THE ORGONE, 2, 1972, Fawcett, PB, entry
Berlitz, Charles, MYSTERIES OF FORGOTTEN WORLDS, 1, 1972, Doubleday, HB. This is an interim book between his MYSTERY OF ATLANTIS (1969) and THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE (1974). Dr. Mason Valentine is now listed as a "contributor" on the title page. This is one of those "mysteries of ancient civilizations" books, very similar to Tomas' WE ARE NOT ALONE. Happily, Berlitz has never given much space to the gods from outer space theory, despite what paperback blurbs often proclaim.
Blatty, William Peter, EXORCIST, THE, 2, 1972, Bantam, PB.
Bloch, John W., WITCH, WITCH, BURNING BRIGHT, 1972, Tempo Books, PB.
THE SIXTH SENSE #1. This is a television tie in book from a publisher who
specialized in "young adult" titles. It's a reprint of the original script
for one of THE SIXTH SENSE episodes. Read it and you'll know why this silly
show failed (1972 entry). I have never seen a #2 book in this series, but
I haven't looked very hard, either.
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P.E. I. Bonewits, REAL MAGIC, 1, 1973, Berkley, PB. Bonewits made history of sorts by actually talking the University of Southern California into giving him an masters degree in Magic. This work, which has become a modern occult classic going through many different reprintings and revisions, is based on his master's thesis. Bonewits continues to be on of the most enjoyable founders of the 70s occult revival with major sites on the web. |
Brand, Stewart, et. al., LAST WHOLE EARTH CATALOGUE, THE, 1972, Random House, Trade.
Branden, Nathaniel, DISOWNED SELF, THE, 1, 1972, Nash, HB. See 1973 entry.
Burr, Harold Saxon, BLUEPRINT FOR IMMORTALITY, 1, 1972, Neville Spearman/ British ed. HB.
Butler, W. E., APPRENTICED TO MAGIC, 1972, Samuel Weiser, HB. Need Copy.
Reprint of 1962 Title.
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Campbell, Joseph, HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES, 1972, Princeton University Press/ Bollingen, Trade. Reprint of 1949 title. Campbell took the concept of the "monomyth" from Joyce, and the idea of psychological archetypes from Jung and came up with one of the most insightful books ever written. The hero of myth is symbolic of the struggle for identity, and thus the heroic myth is similar in structure all over the world (with local variations). Despite differences in languages, dress, and culture, the hero goes through the same "masterplot". This idea is one which became more and more attractive, especially with writers of fiction. Moorcock's ETERNAL CHAMPION novels are some of the most obvious examples of the use of the "monomyth". The STAR WARS movies also draw heavily on Campbell's ideas, especially the 2nd and 3rd films. |
Campbell, Joseph, MYTHS TO LIVE BY, 1, 1972, Viking, HB.
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Carter, Lin, LOVECRAFT: A LOOK BEHIND THE "CTHULHU MYTHOS, 1972, Ballantine, PB. See Research Bibliography. |
Casebeer, Edwin F., HERMANN HESSE, 1972, Warner Paperback Library, PB. Writers for the 70's Series.
Cassill, R. V., DOCTOR COBB'S GAME, 2, 1972, Bantam, PB. entry
Castaneda, Carlos, SEPARATE REALITY, A, 1, 1972, Pocket Books, PB. Carlos gave up his apprenticeship to Shaman Don Juan to go back to UCLA, but was compelled to return, shortly after the publication of the first book. The language of this book is much more informal and novelistic, but it still seems to be grounded in field work.
Cayce, Edgar, Woodward, ed., Mary Anne, EDGAR CAYCE'S STORY OF KARMA, 2, 1972, Berkley, PB. entry
Chesen, Eli S., RELIGION MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH, 1, 1972, Peter H. Wyden. HB. See 1973 entry.
Chetwynd, Tom, HOW TO INTERPRET YOUR OWN DREAMS (IN ONE MINUTE OR LESS), 1972, P. H. Wyden (NYC), HB. This is a dictionary of dream symbols and their supposed meanings. There was a profusion of dream books in the 70's. Many of them were quickie cash-in "cookbooks". This was one of them.
Church, Gene and Carnes, Conrad D., PIT: A GROUP ENCOUNTER DEFILED, THE, 1, 1972, Outerbridge and Lizard, HB, See 1973 entry.
Clarke, Arthur C., LOST WORLDS OF "2001," 1972, Signet, PB. Clarke tells about his part in 2001, chronicles various permutations of the script, and includes parts of the novel he dropped as the movie changed. The novel 2001 is a unique work in that the film is not based on it, nor is the novel based on the film. Both evolved together, at the same time. It is a nice companion to Agel's book on 2001 (see 1970 entry).
Comfort, Alex, ed, JOY OF SEX, THE, 1972, Simon and Schuster, Trade. Need Copy and Info. Really, I do.
Coster, Geraldine, YOGA AND WESTERN PSYCHOLOGY, 1972, Harper and Row.
PB. Reprint of 1934 British title.
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Crowley, Aleister, DIARY OF A DRUG FIEND, 1973, Lancer, PB. One of several Crowley titles which Lancer published in the early 70s. |
Daniken, Erich von, AUSSAAT UND KOSMOS, 1, 1972, Econ-Verlay, HB. British and US Title: GOLD OF THE GODS.
Daniken, Erich von, GODS FROM OUTER SPACE, 3, 1972, Bantam, PB.
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deLaurence, L. W., ILLUSTRATED KEY TO THE TAROT, 1972?, Lancer Books, Trade. There is quite a nasty little publishing story behind this book. deLaurence was a Chicago occult publisher who pirated a great many books written by other people and put his own name on them as the author. In 1918, he honored A. E. Waite by ripping off his PICTORIAL KEY TO THE TAROT (1910), and changed one word in the title. In the early 70s, Lancer reprinted the work (and we hope they didn't pay a cent for it, either) in a trade edition with an obscured date. The big mystery is why Lancer didn't publish Waite's work, whose copyright had lapsed. Everybody else did. |
Deren, Maya, DIVINE HORSEMAN: THE VOODOO GODS IN HAITI, 1972, Delta, Trade. Need Copy and Info.
Douglas, Alfred, TAROT, THE, 1, 1972, Taplinger, HB, See 1973 entry.
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Douglas, Alfred, HOW TO CONSULT THE I CHING, 2, 1972, Berkley, PB. Reprint of THE ORACLE OF CHANGE, 1971 entry. |
DRACULA: AD 1972, Motion Picture, 1972, Alan Gibson, Director:, A group of bored, modish, London youths revive Dracula by way of ritual magic. After six successful films with Christopher Lee as the Transylvanian Count, all in period, Hammer productions brought him into swinging London of the 70's. The film suggested he'd have a really good time there. It's not well liked by Hammer buffs, but it is an interesting commentary on the 70's fascination with occultism. It's worth watching as a kind of time capsule.
Edinger, Edward F., EGO AND ARCHETYPE, 1, 1972, Putnam, HB.
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Ellison, Harlan, ed., AGAIN, DANGEROUS VISIONS, 1, 1972, Doubleday, HB. This is the companion volume to DANGEROUS VISIONS (1967). According to Ellison, he received Piers Anthony's story "In The Barn" after the deadline, and decided he had to do a second volume. Frankly, I think the sales figures of the first volume had more to do with it. Well, "In the Barn" is a great story, as are most of the other entries in this anthology. |
ETERNAL TALES, Underground Comic, 1972?, Thompson, Artist: John, Need Copy, Info, or Xerox.
Evans, Robley, J. R. R. TOLKIEN, 1972, Warner Paperback Library, PB, "Writers for the 70's" series. This was one of the most common of the popular studies of Tolkien's works. Evans emphasizes Tolkien's "moral seriousness" and his use of Christian allegory in LORD OF THE RINGS. The author spends little time on Tolkien's "nitch" in the world of fantasy literature, which may suggest a "new criticism" approach to Hobbits. Some of Evans' observations are instructive, especially his comparison with William Morris's Victorian fantasies. Other comparisons seem strained and questionable, such as his attempt to link Tolkien with the visionary works of William Blake. This is probably the best quick "crib" for the sophomore trying to score points with a literature instructor. Other interested readers may not find it so useful.
Faraday, Ann, DREAM POWER, 1, 1972, Coward, McCann and Geoghegan, HB.
See 1973 entry.
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Farmer, Philip Jose, LORD TYGER, 2, Signet, PB. Another of Farmer's revisions of the Tarzan theme. |
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Farmer, Philip Jose, TARZAN ALIVE, 1, Doubleday, HB. The first of Farmer's biographies of fictional adventure heroes. |
Ferguson, Marilyn, BRAIN REVOLUTION, THE, 1, 1972, Taplinger, HB. This is a survey of studies and theories concerning the brain and how it works. The most controversial idea within is the idea that the brain can be changed, or "don't change minds; change brains," for the betterment of society. This idea makes a lot of people, including me, nervous. This was only one of a whole shelf of books on this subject that were available about this time. THE BRAIN REVOLUTION is most interesting because of Ferguson's later more famous (or infamous) book THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY (1980 entry).
Gardner, John, GRENDEL, 2, 1972, Ballantine, PB, entry.
Gettings, Fred, BOOK OF THE ZODIAC, THE, 1972, Triune Press (London), HB.
Godwin, John, OCCULT AMERICA, 1972, Doubleday, HB. This is a journalist survey of the occult scene of the late 60's and early 70's. Most of the information comes from interviews. This gives the book a lightweight, chatty tone. It is a good source for background on occult personalities of the day. Godwin's best chapter is on the occult business, a subject which needs more investigation.
Grand Orient (A. E. Waite), COMPLETE MANUAL OF OCCULT DIVINATION, THE, 1972 University Books, HB. 2 Vols. No original date given: a reprint of earlier title. If you've ever read one of those "cookbooks" with titles like HOW TO TELL FORTUNES, chances are very good that it was cribbed from these volumes. They are crammed with every kind of divinatory technique you can think of--and some methods you couldn't care less about. There's even an exhaustive glossary in which each method is defined in dry Victorian prose. Few of the "cookbook" writers have managed to produce anything superior to this opus. Only Walter and Litzka Gibson's COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF THE PSYCHIC SCIENCES (1966 entry) does any real justice to this material.
Gray, Eden, COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE TAROT, THE, 2, 1972, Bantam, PB. This was one of the "mini explosions" in print in the 70's: books on the Tarot deck. Gray wrote three of the best of these titles (the real record probably should go to Stuart Kaplan; see 1972 entry). Gray generally follows the Golden Dawn tradition, but generally avoids the usual disease of occult writers: esoteric gibberish. Most of the people who got interested in the Tarot in the 70's started with Eden Gray's books.
Penguin, PB. Reprint of 1945 French title.
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Haggard, H. Rider and Lang, Andrew, WORLD'S DESIRE, THE, 1972, Ballantine, PB. Reprint of 1890 title. |
Haggard, H. Rider, SHE and THE RETURN OF SHE, 1972, Lancer, PB. Reprint of 1887 and 1905 titles.
Haining, Peter, ANATOMY OF WITCHCRAFT, 1972, Taplinger, HB. PB? Haining is best known for his many anthologies of supernatural and horror stories. This is a chatty, informal, and mostly undocumented look at witchcraft and magic in the late 60's. It is fairly lightweight, but has a nice photo gallery of late 60's occult personalities. Haining is another author who can't distinguish between "witchcraft" and other forms of occult activities. Like many other British occult surveys of the period, it leans heavily on Dennis Wheatley as a major source. Haining often uncritically follows Wheatley's rather narrow viewpoint on the subject.
Heyerdahl, Thor, RA EXPEDITIONS, THE, 2, 1972, Signet, PB. entry
HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES, THE, T. V. Movie, 1972, Barry Crane, Director:, Stewart Granger as Sherlock Holmes?!? Bad casting isn't all that's wrong with the awful Universal television production.
Howe, Ellic, MAGICIANS OF THE GOLDEN DAWN, THE, 1972, Routledge and Kegan Paul/ British ed., HB. A scholarly study of the history of the Golden Dawn. Howe's work is documented and uses critical tools, making it one of the best books written on the legendary group. It's much better than King's RITUAL MAGIC IN ENGLAND (see 1970 entry), and remains the best objective book on the subject (see George Mills Harper, 1974 entry).
Hynek, J. Allen, UFO EXPERIENCE, THE, 1972, Henry Regnery, HB.
IN SEARCH OF ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS, T.V. Special, 1972, Alan Landsburg, Producer:, Loosely based on von Daniken's CHARIOTS OF THE GODS? Bantam proclaimed "Featured on TV as IN SEARCH OF ANCIENT ASTRONAUTS," in a big red splash on later editions of CHARIOTS OF THE GODS?. Landsburg mentions that one of his films was based on CHARIOTS OF THE GODS, in one of his other concoctions, THE OUTER SPACE CONNECTION. I assume this is the one he meant. The truth is, most of the film is re-edited footage from the German film CHARIOTS OF THE GODS (see 1974 entry). Bantam recorded incredible sales for the paperback edition in the few days after this broadcast. Anyway its the first of many projects that Landsburg would preface with "In Search of..." until he dropped the object and kept the preface for his syndicated television show, turning the phrase into an eternal cliche.
Kaplan, Stuart, TAROT CLASSIC, 1972, Grosset and Dunlap, HB.
Kocher, Paul H., MASTER OF MIDDLE EARTH: THE FICTION OF J. R. R. TOLKIEN, 1, 1972, Houghton Mifflin, HB. See 1977 entry.
Koestler, Arthur, ROOTS OF COINCIDENCE, 1, 1972, Random House, HB (see 1973 entry)
Kopp, Sheldon, IF YOU SEE THE BUDDHA ON THE ROAD, KILL HIM, 1, 1972, Science and Behavior Books, HB. See 1976 entry.
Laing, R. D., Philipson, and, H., Lee, A. R., INTERPERSONAL PERCEPTION, 2, 1972, Harper and Row, PB. entry
Laing, R. D., KNOTS, 1, 1972, Vintage, PB.
Lawrence, Jodi, ALPHA BRAIN WAVES, 2, 1972, Avon, PB, entry.
Lawrence, Jodi, ALPHA BRAIN WAVES, 1, 1972, Nash Publishing, HB. See next entry.
Lethbridge, T. C., LEGENDS OF THE SONS OF GOD, THE, 1, 1972, Routledge and Kegan Paul / British ed., HB. Lethbridge was an archaeologist who became involved with more speculative topics later in his life. He appears to have been an influence on Colin Wilson, especially MYSTERIES (see 1980 entry). This book was published after his death in 1971. Lethbridge wonders about the "Sons of God" mentioned in Genesis, Chapter 6, and their possible relation to extraterrestrial visitors. If von Daniken's lack of substance annoys you, then Lethbridge's more honest approach may have appeal.
Lilly, John C., CENTER OF THE CYCLONE, 1, 1973, Julian Press, HB. See 1983 entry.
Logan, Daniel, YOUR EASTERN STAR, 1972, William Morrow, HB.
Lovecraft, H. P., COLOR OUT OF SPACE, THE, 2, 1972, Zebra Books, PB.
Same as the Lancer, 1964 ed.
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"M", THE SENSUOUS MAN, 2, Bantam, PB. Some tips for the guys who have found the "sensuous woman" and do not have a clue what to do after that. |
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George MacDonald, EVENOR, 1973, Ballantine, PB. Ballantine Adult Fantasy Series. |
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Machen, Arthur [Arthur Llewellyn Jones-Machen], THE THREE IMPOSTORS, 1972, Ballantine, PB. Ballantine Adult Fantasy Series. The first significant reprint of Machen by a major publisher since Knopf's TALES OF HORROR AND THE SUPERNATURAL in 1948. The book also contains Lin Carter's best introduction in this series "Bagdad-on-the-Thames." The revival of interest in Machen was part of the legacy of Morning of the Magicians, and the revival of H. P. Lovecraft (who borrowed much from the Welsh horror master). |
Makavejev, Dusan, WR: MYSTERIES OF THE ORGANISM, 1972, Avon, PB. Script of 1971 film.
Marriott, Alice and Rachlin, Carol K., PEYOTE, 2, 1972, Mentor, PB.
Matheson, Richard, THE OMEGA MAN, 3, 1971, Berkley Books, PB, retited movie tie in ed. of I AM LEGEND (1955 entry). |
McNally, Raymond T. and Florescu, Radu, IN SEARCH OF DRACULA, 1, 1972, New York Graphic Society, HB. This is one of those books that really changed a whole genre. It had a profound effect on all fictional vampires to follow it (even some that preceded it, due to several years of advance publication press releases). McNally and Florescu (a Romanian Transylvanian himself) traced Stoker's character to a 15th century Wallachian prince, Vlad Tepes ("The Impaler"). The prince had sought to drive the Turks from his land using extremely cruel means. The historical Vlad Tepes is rather like Col. Kurtz of Coppola's APOCALYPSE NOW in his "mystical" barbarity.
Michell, John, VIEW OVER ATLANTIS, THE, 3, 1972, Ballantine, PB. Reprints the Garnstone ed. See below. See also 1983 entry. Michell revised and expanded on Alfred Watkins' "ley line" idea (see 1973 entry). Michell's ideas were raised to almost cult status in Britain. He revived interest in the magic of early Britain, the Holy Grail, Earth magic, Chinese Feng Shui, sacred geometry, numerology, astroarchaeology, and even the old cult of British Israelis. There's little doubt that VIEW OVER ATLANTIS was one of the catalysts of the neo-Celtic revival of the 70's. Michell's writings (see CITY OF REVELATION, 1973 entry), were visionary in the true meaning of the word, and his influence on later "fringe" and mystical literature was immense.
Michell, John, VIEW OVER ATLANTIS, THE, 2, 1972, Garnstone Press / British ed., HB? "New Edition."
Michell, John, CITY OF REVELATION, 1, 1972, Garnstone / British ed., HB ? See 1973 entry.
Michell, John, CITY OF REVELATION, 2, 1972, David McKay, HB. See 1973 entry.
Morgan, Elaine, DESCENT OF WOMAN, THE, 1, 1972, Stein and Day, HB. The important factor in the evolution of humans was woman, according to Morgan. Woman, burdened with child rearing, took to the edge of the sea to survive, evolving into a semi-aquatic animal, giving the human race the semi-aquatic characteristics we still carry. A summary makes this sound far-fetched, but her arguments are very convincing. Orthodox anthropologists didn't care for her ideas, but I can't help wondering if she wasn't on to something.
Murphy, Michael, GOLF IN THE KINGDOM, 1, 1972, Viking, HB. Also Delta, Trade, 1973?
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, IDEALS AND REALITIES OF ISLAM, 1972, Beacon, Trade. Reprint of 1966 British Title.
Needleman, Jacob, NEW RELIGIONS, THE, 2, 1972, Pocket Books, PB, Revised ed., See research bibliography.
Neihardt, John G., BLACK ELK SPEAKS, 2, 1972, Pocket Books, PB. entry.
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Neumann, Erich, GREAT MOTHER, THE, 2, 1972, Princeton University Press/Bollingen, Trade. One of the best book ever written about the archetype of the mother goddess. It appeared just in time to become one of the cornerstones of the growing feminist pagan revival of goddess worship. |
NIGHT STALKER, THE, T.V. Movie, 1972, John Llewellyn Moxley, Director:, Richard Matheson, Writer:, This made television history. Viewers tended to watch ABC's movie for the first half, then switch to another show. The plot concerned a serial killer in Las Vegas, whose pattern suggested that he thinks he's a vampire. Right before the channel changing was due, the movie makers threw in a surprise. The killer broke into a hospital to steal blood. When discovered by the staff, he threw an orderly down a long hallway--right out the window. Nobody changed channels. I wonder if anyone has noticed that this modern day vampire tale, based on Jeff Rice's novel, is suspiciously similar to Leslie Whitten's earlier novel PROGENY OF THE ADDER (see 1965 and 1975 entries)? Whole pages of dialogue in Rice's novel are almost identical with dialogue in Whitten's book. The only real difference I can see between the two is in locale, and that Whitten's book is better written. Any info?
Ornstein, Robert E., PSYCHOLOGY OF CONSCIOUSNESS, THE, 1, 1972, W.H. Freeman, HB. See 1975 entry.
Ostrander, Sheila and Schroeder, Lynn, ASTROLOGICAL BIRTH CONTROL, 1972, Prentice Hall, HB. Need copy and info. PB?
Over, Raymond Van, ed., PSYCHOLOGY AND EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION, 1972, Mentor, PB. entry.
Pauwels, Louis, GURDJIEFF, 2, 1972, Samuel Weiser, Trade, Need Copy. US ed. of 1954 French title. See 1964 entry.
Pauwels, Lewis and Bergier, Jacques, ETERNAL MAN, 2, 1972? /British ed. See 1973 entry.
Percy, Walker, LOVE IN THE RUINS, 2, 1972, Dell, PB.. entry
Pohl, Frederick J., LIKE TO THE LARK: THE EARLY YEARS OF SHAKESPEARE, 1972, Clarkson N. Potter, HB.
Robbins, Tom, ANOTHER ROADSIDE ATTRACTION, 1, 1972, Ballantine, PB. Robbins' first novel was another that had to wait for paperback to be noticed. It quickly developed a cult status. Robbins has been called a "cute Thomas Pynchon" (in fact there was a suspicion that he was Pynchon, when the book first appeared). The plot concerns a group of hippies and social outcasts who come into possession of the embalmed body of Jesus (lately stolen from the catacombs beneath the Vatican). The remainder concerns the absurd intrigue they are plunged into with secret agents of the CIA, KGB, and a secret Holy Order who act as hit men for the Pope, all for possession of THE BODY. The novel shows the influence of Pynchon's absurd paranoia and intrigue in THE CRYING OF LOT 49 (Pynchon, 1967 entry) and anticipates the gonzo absurdities of the ILLUMINATUS TRILOGY (Shea and Wilson, 1975 entry).
Robbins, Jhan, and, Fisher, David TRANQUILITY WITHOUT PILLS, 1, 1972, Peter H. Wyden, HB. See 1973 entry.
Rosenberg, Samuel, CONFESSIONS OF A TRIVIALIST, 2, 1972, Penguin, Books, PB. Expanded ed. of COME AS YOU ARE MASQUERADE PARTY (1970). Rosenberg is a natural literary detective. All the essays are little gems of research but the best gem is "Frankenstein, or Daddy's Little Monster." This essay was originally published in LIFE, and is a close examination of the private lives of Lord Byron, Shelley, Mary Shelley, and the drama which lead to the writing of FRANKENSTEIN. Rosenberg's essay was to open the door to more popular "revisionism" concerning literary figures (See Wolf, 1972; Rosenberg, 1974; McNally and Florescu, 1973; Florescu, 1976).
Roszak, Theodor, ed., SOURCES, 1972, Harper and Row, PB. And what a subtitle: AN ANTHOLOGY OF CONTEMPORARY MATERIALS USEFUL FOR PRESERVING PERSONAL SANITY WHILE BRAVING THE GREAT TECHNOLOGICAL WILDERNESS. The volume contains short essays, stories and poetry by almost all the "counterculture" heroes--at least the writers that Roszak thinks are important. It actually gives a good survey of what the scholastic "counterculturalists" thought it was all about.
Sadoul, Jacques, ALCHEMISTS AND GOLD, 1972, Putnam, HB. Translation of 1970 French title.
Sagan, Carl and Page, ed., Thornton, UFOs: A SCIENTIFIC DEBATE, 1972,
Cornell University Press (Ithaca, NY), HB, Norton, Trade? This is the result
of a symposium on UFO's, sponsored by the American Association for the
Advancement of Science, in Boston, 26 and 27 Dec., 1969. The conference
was held despite the protests of Dr. Condon, of the Condon Report fame.
The anthology is a good index of scientific establishment attitudes toward
the question of UFO's. Dr. Carl sums up this attitude in his retrospective,
generally declaring UFO's to be improbable, and unlikely to be of extraterrestrial
origin. The arguments are close to 20 years old, and they have not changed
much in all those years.
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Sanders, Ed, FAMILY, THE, 2, 1972, Avon, PB. Revised ed. Still the best look at the social and occult background of the Manson murders. |
Sanderson, Ivan T., INVESTIGATING THE UNEXPLAINED, 1972, Prentice Hall, Trade. This is a series of essays from a scientist who had a strong interest in the unusual. Two essays are especially good. Sanderson's speculations concerning the origins of astrological symbolism is a fine bit of historical detective work. There is also an insightful essay on the mysterious phenomenon known as "spontaneous human combustion". One of Sanderson's best books.
Sauer, Carl O., SEEDS, SPADES, HEARTHS, AND HERDS, 1, 1972, M.I.T. Press, Trade. Expanded ed. of AGRICULTURAL ORIGINS AND DISPERSALS, 1952.
Schonfield, Hugh. POLITICS OF GOD, THE, 2 1972, Bantam, PB. Schonfield argues the case for ending religious differences with a revolutionary world movement. It's one of the best arguments for a universal religion presented in recent years. Reading it now, in the wake of reactionary Zionism, Falwell-style fundamentalism, and fanatical Shia Islam, serves to remind us how far away the idea has grown in the post-1979 world.
Schumaker, Wayne, OCCULT SCIENCES IN THE RENAISSANCE, 1972, University of California Press. HB and Trade.
Schuon, Frithjof, UNDERSTANDING ISLAM, 1972, Penguin, PB. Reprint of 1961 ed.
Seznec, Jean, SURVIVAL OF THE PAGAN GODS, THE, 3, 1972, Princeton University Press/ Bollingen, HB and Trade.
SIXTH SENSE, THE, T.V. Show, 1972, First episode 15 Jan. '72, final:
30 Dec. 73, Tepid television show about a psychic researcher who investigates
some major form of the paranormal each week. You can see reruns of this
show (with Gary Collins as the intrepid parapsychologist) as part of the
NIGHT GALLERY package in syndication.
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Smith, Clark Ashton, XICCARPH, 1972, Ballantine, PB, Ballantine Adult Fantasy Series. |
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Spargue, W. D., THE SENSOUS HOOKER, 1973, Lancer, PB. A study of prostitution retitled to cash in on the "sensuous craze." |
Storm, Hyemeyohsts, SEVEN ARROWS, 1, 1972, Harper and Row, HB. This is a multilevel novel about Indian lore and traditions and their gradual decline in the white man's world. Unlike other books on similar subjects, SEVEN ARROWS had the distinction of being by an Indian, rather than by white anthropologists or apologists. The book was very popular especially in the later trade paperback format (1973) and is one of the essential books of the counterculture library.
TALES FROM THE SPHINX, Underground Comic, 1972, Kitchen Sink (Milwaukee, WI), Thompson, Artist: John, Nov. 1972. #2? This is the first of several comics Thompson drew concerning two eternal Tantric lovers who battle an evil demon named Hgwa through history. This plot involves an esoteric version of the tale of Egyptian Pharoah Ikhnaton, and the origins of Moses. Thompson's art has developed a more obvious erotic tone (in keeping with the tantric base of the tale). Sex in the underground comics was rarely erotic. Sometimes the artists like R. Crumb or S. Clay Wilson seemed to be exorcising their own neurotic impulses on paper, while the reader is most often, a bit grossed out. Lessor artists just operated at the level of the dirty joke. Thompson's erotic work was one of the handful of underground products that celebrated the spiritual joy in sexuality (see SPHINX, 1973 entry).
Thompson, Walter Irwin, AT THE EDGE OF HISTORY, 2, 1972, Harper and Row, PB. Thompson could be described as a "new age Lewis Mumford." As a historian of ideas, he saw the later part of this century as a period of rapid technological, cultural, and spiritual change. Thompson uses the analogy between the modern scientific attitude, and the Pythagorean approach (spiritual and holistic). The latter, he argues, may suit the new direction better. Another of Thompson's ideas was that the tendency toward decentralization of institutions would bring some new developments in the way we learn. The university would become a core service, while real learning went on outside and around it. Thompson put his ideas into practice soon after (see 1973 entry).
Thompson, Hunter S., FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS, 2, 1972, Popular
Library, PB. Above date uncertain.
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TIME Magazine, 19 June 1972, Cover Article "The Occult Revial" A subtitle reads "Satan Returns." Oh, spare me! The national news media discovers that there is an occult revival going on, again. I guess this was to make up for Time's overlooking Anton LeVey as Man of the Year in 1971 (see LOOK, 1971 entry). |
Tomas, Andrew, HOME OF THE GODS, 1972, Berkley, PB. Need copy and info.
Torrey, E. Fuller, MIND GAME: WITCHDOCTORS AND PSYCHIATRISTS, THE, 1, 1972, Emerson Hall, HB. See 1973 entry.
Tuccille, Jerome, IT USUALLY BEGINS WITH AYN RAND, 1972, Stein and Day, HB. Need Copy and Info.
Twigg, Ena, with Brod, Ruth Hagy, ENA TWIGG: MEDIUM, 1, 1972, Hawthorn Books, HB. See 1973 entry.
Vasto, Lanza del, RETURN TO THE SOURCE, 1, 1972, Schocken Books, HB. Translation of 1943 French title.
Vilar, Esther, MANIPULATED MAN, THE, 1, 1972, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, HB. Trans. and revision of 1971 German title. See 1974 entry.
Vishnudevananda, Swami, COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF YOGA, THE, 2, 1972,
Pocket Books, PB.
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Evangeline Waltorn, SONG OF RHIANNON, 1, Ballantine, PB. Ballantine Adult Fantasy series. Part of Walton's retelling of the Welsh Mabonogion |
Watts, Alan, BOOK, THE, 2, 1972, Vintage, PB.
Watts, Alan, MYTH AND RITUAL IN CHRISTIANITY, 2, 1972, Beacon, Trade.
Weil, Andrew, NATURAL MIND, THE, 1972, Houghton Mifflin, HB. Need copy
and Info.
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Wheatley, Dennis, DEVIL RIDES OUT, THE, 1972, Ballantine, PB. Reprint of 1934 Title. |
Wilson, Colin, NEW PATHWAYS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 1, 1972, Taplinger, HB. See
1974 entry.
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Wolf, Leonard, DREAM OF DRACULA, A, 1, 1972, Little Brown, HB. This is the Freudian approach to blood sucking. It was Wolf who pointed out that DRACULA was actually Victorian soft-core porn, and that the whole vampire thing is very erotic in nature. Wolf, a professor of literature, does a fine job in showing Stoker's place in Victorian literature. One aspect of the book is most startling and unsettling: Wolf actually located and interviewed contemporary "sexual vampires" in the California sexual underground. |
Yates, Francis A., ROSICRUCIAN ENLIGHTENMENT, THE, 1, 1972, Chicago University Press, HB. This is the culmination of the work Yates began with GIORDANO BRUNO AND THE HERMETIC TRADITION (1964 entry) and THE ART OF MEMORY (1966 entry). It is a great work of scholarship that traces the rise of the mysterious Rosicrucian Brotherhood, and links it to the universalist ideals during the 17th century. These ideals were attached to the short reign of Frederick the Elector, known as the "winter king," of Bohemia. Yates traces the growth of the Rosicrucian movement from Bruno and John Dee to later alchemists like Michael Mairer and Robert Fludd. It is nice to read a book which deals with a subject so full of generalizations and half truths, and to see some new facts shine through. It's a superior book in all ways.
Zelazny, Roger, NINE PRINCES IN AMBER, 2, 1972, Avon, PB.
to Absolute Elsewhere Contents.