Agel, Jerome, ed., MAKING OF KUBRICK'S "2001"~THE, 1970, Signet, PB. This is still the best of the "making-of" books on movies. That's because there really was a lot to talk about in 2001. The book follows the film from MGM's announcement that Kubrick would make "Journey Beyond the Stars" on 22 Feb 66, to the New York openings and reviews. Jerome Agel was really a book designer who made his name by designing Marshall McLuhan's THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE and WAR AND PEACE IN THE GLOBAL VILLAGE. Some of his designs really needed a physically larger book. It covers Kubrick's viewpoint. Arthur C. Clarke had his own book (see Clarke, 1972 entry). |
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Allegro, John, SACRED MUSHROOM AND THE CROSS, 1, 1970, Doubleday, HB. If conservative churchmen thought THE PASSOVER PLOT was bad news, this one was enough to cause heart failure. At least Schonfield never questioned the existence of Jesus. Allegro argued that "Christ" was a complex metaphor for the Amenita Muscaria, a mushroom used by a secret Semitic cult in rituals. Worse still, Allegro was a respected biblical scholar, one of the translators of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Allegro did a fine job proving the cult did exist, and that some of it's symbolism was attached to Christianity. I am convinced that Allegro was inspired by R. Gordon Wasson (see 1969 entry) and Robert Graves' earlier work on the cult use of mushrooms. Anyone know about this? |
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Anthony, Piers (Piers A.D. Jacob), and Margroff, Robert E., E.S.P. WORM, THE, 1, 1970, Warner Paperback Library, PB. Qumax is an egotistical, neurotic teenager who has run away from home. The only problem is, he looks like a huge cabbage worm, has unlimited ESP powers--and he's chosen the US as his home. One of several comic science fiction novels Anthony wrote with Margroff. |
Baxter. John, SCIENCE FICTION IN THE CINEMA: 1895--1970, 1970, A.S. Barnes, Trade. See research bibliography.
Bergier, Jacques, LES EXTRA-TERRESTRES DANS L'HISTOIRE, 1, 1970, Editions J'ai Lu, See 1973 entry.
BITCHES BREW, Miles Davis, 1970, Columbia Records, released 30 Mar.
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Blofeld, John, THE TANTRIC MYSTICISM OF TIBET, 1, 1970, Dutton, PB. One of Blofeld's readable, popular books on Eastern mysticism. Blofeld had the advantage of traveling around Asia in the days before the Communist Revolution, where he could study these doctrines in their natural settings. |
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Bok, Hannes, BEYOND THE GOLDEN STAIRS, 1, 1970, Ballantine Books. Ballantine Adult Fantasy Series. An expansion of short novel "The Blue Flamingo" published in STARTLING STORIES in 1948. Editor Lin Carter was one of Bok's protogees. |
Borges, Jorge Louis, THE ALEPH, 1, 1970, Dutton, HB. Translation of 1949 Argentinian title. See 1971 title.
Browning, Norma Lee, PSYCHIC WORLD OF PETER HURKOS, THE, 1, 1970, Doubleday,
HB. See 1971 entry.
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Buckland, Ray, ANCIENT AND MODERN WITCHCRAFT, 1, H C Publishers, Inc., 1970, PB. Another quicky book on witchcraft from Ray Buckland, who certainly knew how to knock 'em out. |
Budge, E. A. Wallis, AMULETS AND TALISMANS, 1970, Collier/ Macmillan, Trade. Reprint of 1930 ed., AMULETS AND SUPERSTITIONS.
Camp, L. Sprague de, LOST CONTINENTS, 2, 1970, Dover, Trade. Updated edition. It's nice that Dover used a slightly different typeface for de Camp's additions and corrections. It would be interesting to see de Camp write a second volume for all the Atlantis literature since the 60's.
Camp, L. Sprague de, ARROWS OF HERCULES, 2, 1970, Curtis Books, PB. entry
Camp, L. Sprague de, THE ANCIENT ENGINEERS, 1, 1970, MIT Press,
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Campbell, Joseph, THE MASKS OF GOD, 1970, Viking, Trade. Volumes published by Viking in hardback between 60 & 69. The volumes are: PRIMITIVE MYTHOLOGY (1960), ORIENTAL MYTHOLOGY (1962), OCCIDENTAL MYTHOLOGY (1964), and CREATIVE MYTHOLOGY (1969). Their real impact came when Viking issued them in Compass trade editions. They remain in print (now from Penguin/Viking). MASKS OF GOD was, and is, the best summary of the "archetypal" school of myth interpretation. Now that Jung has fallen from favor in academic circles, who are just as susceptible to fads as anyone else, it has become fashionable to fault Campbell's work. But it's going to be hard to find a more readable introduction to mythology and its meaning in the modern world. Despite new "structural", "value oriented" and linguistic arguments, none have made as much sense as the archetypal approach. This quartet saw a lot of use in the 70's. |
Cassill, R. V., DOCTOR COBB'S GAME, 1, 1970, Bernard Geis, HB. See 1972
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Cavendish, Richard, ed., MAN, MYTH, AND MAGIC, 1970, Marshall Cavendish, 112 weekly issues. 24 Published HB volumes. Groundbreaking encyclopedia of the occult published in Britain in the late 1960s. Every writer on the occult worth his or her salt contributed to it. After some painful searching over the years I have learned that the contents of the 112 magazine style issues are not identical with the contents of the 24 HB volumes, nor is the British versions of the same identical to the US versions. I guess you've got to collect 'em all mystic kids! Vol. 3 of the US HB edition is shown.. |
Chadwick, Nora, THE CELTS, 1, 1970, Penguin, PB. The usual superior Penguin survey, put out during the period when interest in things Celtic was growing rapidly.
Charroux, Robert (Robert Grugeau), 100 THOUSAND YEARS OF MAN'S UNKNOWN
HISTORY, 1970, Fawcett, PB. Reprint of 1963 French title.
Writing and publishing fringe books seemed to have become a growth industry
in France in the 60's. From what I can infer (from very little information)
the success of MORNING OF THE MAGICIANS may have sparked a major flurry
of these books. The French seem to have combined thisnew genre with
an older type of speculation focused on fringe racial theories, occultism,
and mysteries of the Middle Ages. In this country, we know these
books only from bibliography entries in other fringe books. You'll
find this one in quite a few. Charroux seems to have been one of
the most prolific (see 1973 entry). Anyone with a working knowledge
of French fringe literature can feel free to contact
Christopher, Milborne, ESP, SEERS AND PSYCHICS, 1970, Crowell, HB. Need
Copy and Info.
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Chung-yan, Chang, CREATIVITY AND TAOSIM, 2, 1970, Harper Colophon, Trade. |
CONAN THE BARBARIAN, Marvel Comics, 1970, Roy Thomas~Writer (until #124), #1, dated Oct.1970, probably June 1970: Robert E. Howard's barbarian hero made it to comics about four years after the Lancer Books revival (1966 entry). The first 24 issues were drawn by Barry Smith (now Windsor-Smith) in a style that owed much to 19th century illustrators. John Buscema did most of the remaining issues in a workman-like Marvel house style. The comic was a monumental success, and drew a lot of non-comic readers into comic fandom. The heroic fantasy really became a force in publishing books and comics after Marvel's success. Marvel's version of Conan evolved into a rather doltish character (see CONAN THE DESTROYER, 1984). This may have been the result of a "sanitizing" of the original character.
COUNT DRACULA, Motion Picture, 1970. Franco~Director: Jess (or Jesus).
The first attempt to adapt Stoker's novel since the Hammer productionHORROR
OF DRACULA (1958). This Italian version allowed Christopher
Lee to do it again, this time more in tune with Stoker's character.
Herbert Lom is great a Van Helsing, as is Klaus Kinski as Dracula's mental
patient slave. It might have been great if not for a low budget and
Franco's annoying use of Zoom lens for everything.
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Crowley, Aleister, CONFESSIONS OF ALEISTER CROWLEY, 2, 1970, Hill and
Wang, HB. Edited by Kenneth Grant and John Symons. 1st US publication.
Shown at the right is a postcard inserted in the first edition. |
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Daniken, Erich von, RETURN TO THE STARS, 2, 1970, Souvenir Press / British ed. HB. US Title: GODS FROM OUTER SPACE.
Daniken, Erich von, CHARIOTS OF THE GODS?, 3, 1970, Putnam, HB. This
book was already a million seller in Europe when it hit American
markets. It got the full treatment. Besides the Putnam edition,
it was serialized in THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER (!), and the Universe Book Club
pumped out tons of copies (almost all the hardbound copies in used
book stores are that edition). Irate astrophysicists, geologists,
biologists, geographers, historians, theologians, and even
other UFO researchers, had to get in a long line to attack the book.
It sold like cheap beer on Saturday night.
Deren, Maya, DIVINE HORSEMEN: VOODOO GODS OF HAITI, 2, 1970, Chelsea
House. HB. Preface by Joseph Campbell.
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Douglas, Michael [Michael and Douglas Crighton], DEALING; OR THE BERKELY-TO-BOSTON FORTY-BRICK LOST-BAG BLUES, 1, 1970, Knopf, HB. A rare example of amateur drug dealers as heroes in Americian literature. My guess is that best selling novelist Michael Douglas would like everyone to forget that he and his brother wrote this lightweight hippie novel. |
Downing, Barry H., BIBLE AND FLYING SAUCERS~THE, 2, 1970, Avon, PB.
Avon took this title and slapped this blurb on it: "begins where
CHARIOTS OF THE GODS? ends." Ah, Marketing!
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Dunsany, Lord, AT THE EDGE OF THE WORLD, 1, 1970, Ballantine Books, PB. Ballantine Adult Fantasy series. |
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THE DUNWICH HORROR, Motion Picture, 1970. An American International Pictures adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's novel. Fairly good evidence that the Lovecraft revival was in full swing is that AIP did not retitle the work, as they did with THE COLOUR OUR OF SPACE (filmed as DIE, MONSTER, DIE, 1965) .or disgiuse it as an other author's work, as they did with THE STRANGE CASE OF CHARLES DEXTER WARD (filmed as THE HAUNTED PALACE, 1963). Directed by Roger Corman protogee Daniel Haller. |
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Earll, Tony, MU REVEALED, 1, 1970, Paperback Library, PB. See also Santesson, 1970 entry. Need copy and info. According to Peter Tompkins (MYSTERIES OF THE MEXICAN PYRAMIDS, 1976 entry), this is an outright hoax. The book constantly refers to Reesdon Hurdlop, whose archaeological findings support Churchwood's MU books (see 1968 entry). Mr. Hurdlop's name turns out to be an anagram of "Rednose Rudolph," while the author's name turns out to be an anagram of "not really." Thompson claims Mr. Not Really is Raymond Buckland, author of many books on neo-paganism and witchcraft (see 1971 and 1974 entries). Recent books by Buckland list this title openly as one of Buckland's authorship. Remember when mama told you to not believe everything you read? It was good advice. |
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Farmer, Philip Jose, LORD OF THE TREES, and THE MAD GOBLIN, 1, 1970, Ace, PB. An Ace Double Novel. Two interrelated novels about the thinly disguised Doc Savage and Tarzan character first introduced in A FEAST UNKNOWN (see 1969 entry), but without the pornographic elements. Sorta like showering in a raincoat, but fun anyway. | ![]() |
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Farmer, Philip Jose, LORD TYGER, 1, 1970, Doubleday, HB. |
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Farmer, Philip, LOVE SONG, 1970, Brandon House, PB. |
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FELLINI SATYRICON, Motion Picture, 1970, Federico Fellini, Director, One critic of the time called this one of the most "Jungian" movies ever made. There sure does seem to be a lot to compare with the archetypal approach. What Fellini does best is present an ancientRome totally different from the old Hollywood historical films we have become so secure with over the years. At times the ancient Romans seem like modern city dwellers in our time, then suddenly, they appear like an alien culture from the farthest star. This film affected the style of a lot of science fiction and fantasy films to come. Watch Ridley Scott's BLADE RUNNER and see if the future city in it doesn't remind you of Fellini's ancient Rome. Shown is the English editon of the screenplay published by Ballantine, Trade 1970. |
Ferro, Robert, and Grumley, Michael, ATLANTIS: AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A SEARCH, 1970, Doubleday, HB. This is a baffling, boring book about young men who investigate Edgar Cayce's "Atlantis Rising" prediction, in 1968. They meet Dr. Mason Valentine (soon to be publicized by Charles Berlitz). They dive on the Bimini Wall, find an artifact, but are convinced by Valentine to put it back. They go home. They write a book. Doubleday publishes it. There's hope for all of us who want to be published. There's some tangential information about the Cayce Foundation and Valentine's "technique" on the wall, but mostly it is a masterful example of how to pad 10 pages of material into a 160 page book.
Fowles, John, THE FRENCH LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN, 2, 1970, Signet,
PB. Fowles recreates the cultural life of the Victorians without the
usual negative attitude most modern writers give to the age. The
story concerns a young man's unfulfilled lust for a local "French Lieutenant's
woman" (perfect portrait of the Jungian anima if there ever was one).
Sarah, the woman in question, said much to the young women of the 70's
about women and freedom. She searches and finds it, even in prudish
Victorian times. The novel helped rekindle interest in Victorian
art and literature. Sarah ends up in Dante Gabriel Rossetti's circle.
There was renewed interest in the later neo-romantic movements, and figures
such as Rossetti, Morris, Yeats, etc., and in the allied artistic movements
of Symbolist and Art Nouveau. This wonderful book is not to be confused
with the 1981 movie with the same name (see 1981 entry, if you must).
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"Free" [Abbie Hoffman], REVOLUTION FOR THE HELL OF IT, 2, 1970, Pocket Books, PB. |
Gardner, Gerald B., WITCHCRAFT TODAY, 3, 1970, Citadel Press, Trade.
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Garrison, Jim, HERITAGE OF STONE, 1, 1970, Putnam, 1970. See 1972 entry. |
Grossman. HB. See 1971 entry.
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Govinda, Lama Anagarika, THE WAY OF THE WHITE CLOUDS, 1970, Shambhala, Trade, Lama Govinda is a German convert to Buddhism, who wandered through Tibet in the days before WWII. This is a kind of spiritual travelogue as Govinda travels from one monastery to another, and from one teacher to another. This is one of the best of the books on spiritual discovery, and one of my personal favorites. |
Gower, Thomas (Presumed pseudonym), TERRAPLANE WOMAN, 1970, Private.
Typescript. The Pynchonesque adventures of a group of obsessed Bohemians
in Western Pennsylvania in the late 60's. The title
is a multi-level symbol of earthly pleasure, the eternal
woman, transcendental blues, and Hudson automobiles. It seemed to
make sense at the time. The novel was read by a very few, had little
or no effect anywhere, and is largely unheard of. However, it
had a tremendous impact on this writer.
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Gray, Eden, COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE TAROT, 1, 1970, Crown, HB. One of the first of many books on the Tarot to appear in the 70s. The Signet reprint of her TAROT REVEALED (see 1960 entry) in 1969 and the response must have encouraged publishers to exploit interest in this medieval/ Renaissance divination system. This book had a long life in paperback (see 1972 entry). |
Harding, M. Esther, WAY OF ALL WOMEN, 1, 1970, Putnam, HB. Harding was
a Jungian writer who wrote several books on women's spirituality.
With the rise of feminism came a renewed interest in the ancient Great
Mother goddess. Many women were fed up with male paternalistic religions
and were looking elsewhere for the feminine element in religion.
WAY OF ALL WOMEN was published in 1932. WOMEN'S MYSTERIES was published
in 1935 (reprinted by Bantam in the 70's--information needed on that ed.).
It is ironic that Harding died in 1971, just as interest in her work was
in rebirth.
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Huson, Paul, MASTERING WITCHCRAFT. 1, 1970, Putnam, HB. |
Huxley, Aldous, PERENNIAL PHILOSOPHY~THE, 1970, Harper and Row, Trade.Reprint
of 1944 title. This is an attempt to collect the essential transcendental
teachings of most of the world in one volume, with a commentary by the
author. The "perennial philosophy" or "secret doctrine" (not to be
confused with the "secret doctrine" of the theosophists) was a Renaissance
concept that there was a universal mystical core to all religions.
Huxley came up with a kind of summary
course on mystical thought. This is another example of the reprint
explosion of the 70's.
"J", THE SENSUOUS WOMAN, 1, 1970, Lyle Stuart, HB. See 1971 "sensuous" entries.
Janov, Arthur, PRIMAL SCREAM, THE, 1, 1970 Putnam, HB. Also in Delta, Trade, with no date.
Keel, John A., UFO: OPERATION TROJAN HORSE, 1, 1970, Putnam, HB. Need
Copy and Info.
Keen, Sam, TO A DANCING GOD, 1970, Harper and Row, HB and Trade. An extremely popular book by a Christian theologian celebrating the Dionysian in spirituality. This is one of many books that sprang from California's Esalen Institute, the major epicenter of the "human potential" movement. Keen's work would later come to resemble a bargain basement version of Joseph Campbell, and in the late 80's he became a guru of the growing "men's movement." Ignore that, and read this one instead.
King, Francis, RITUAL MAGIC IN ENGLAND, 1970, Neville Spearman/ British edition, HB. An entertaining history of Britain's legendary fraternity The Order of the Golden Dawn. It was one of the highly sought after books among the occult underground in the early 70's (it was an import). All this reflected a growing interest in turn of the century occultism. This book, alas, was very lightweight. King is the author of a whole series of titles on similar subjects.
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Kriss, Marika, WITCHCRAFT, PAST AND PRESENT, 1, 1970, Sherbourne
Press, Trade.
Kriss, Marika, WITCHCRAFT, PAST AND PRESENT, 2, 1970, Award Books, PB. |
Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth, ON DEATH AND DYING, 2, 1970, Macmillan, PB. Kubler-Ross's experiences with dying patients led her to write this manual of problems and trauma associated with dying. Death counseling became a new medical movement throughout the 70's. For some reason, this book and the author, particularly upset the fundamentalist cultbusters.
Kuhn, Thomas S., STRUCTURE OF SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTIONS~THE, 2, 1970, University of Chicago Press, Trade. 2nd ed., revised.
Laing, R. D., and Esterson, A., SANITY, MADNESS AND THE FAMILY, 2, 1970, Penguin. PB. entry.
Laing, R. D.. SELF AND OTHERS, 2, 1970, Penguin, PB.
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Leek, Sybil, BOOK OF FORTUNE TELLING, 2, 1970?, Collier, PB. What would the 60s and 70s have been without Sybil Leek, the rolly polly self-styled witch who wrote books and appeared on every radio and tv talk show she sould find? A lot less interesting, I suspect, though I also suspect that Sybil was better versed in publicity skills than arcane knowledge. |
le Poer Trench, Brinsley (Earl of Clancarty), THE SKY PEOPLE, 2, 1970, Award Books, Pb.
Le Vey, Anton,THE SATANIC BIBLE, 1970, Avon, PB, Le Vey was the founder of the Church of Satan in California. He was "hot" in 1970 due to some Hollywood publicity (see ROSEMARY'S BABY, 1968 entry), so it was time to cash in with a book. There's little here that is original (or even authentic). Most of the material is cribbed from the Golden Dawn and "Satanized". A later volume, THE SATANIC RITUALS is cribbed from the same sources and from classic horror writer H. P. Lovecraft. It's really SILLY stuff, and it is hard to believe that some rather famous people got seriously involved with his cult. I once met a man who bought a chapter of the Church from Le Vey. "It was a good racket while it lasted," he said. I think that sums up the spiritual significance of Le Vey's work. See Arthur Lyons, SECOND COMING, below.
Lindsey, Hal with Carlson, C. C., LATE GREAT PLANET EARTH, THE, 1, 1970, Zandervan. Trade and PB.
Lovecraft, H. P., with Derleth, August, LURKER AT THE THRESHOLD , THE,
1, 1970, Panther (London), PB. Reprint of 1945 title. See 1971 entry.
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Lovecraft, H. P., DREAM QUEST OF THE UNKNOWN KADATH, THE, 1970, Ballantine, PB. First of the Adult Fantasy series' Lovecraft reprints. |
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Lovecraft, H.P., THE TOMB, 1, 1970, Beagle (Ballantine), PB. The first of the Beagle/Ballantine H.P. Lovecraft volumes published. The Beagle editions were reprints of Lovecraft books first published in Britain by Panther Books. |
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Mead, HB. Lyons' books on satanism remain some of the most level-headed
and well researched works ever done on this subject. See Lyons, SATAN WANTS
YOU (1989 entry) and Research Bibliography.
Lyons, Arthur, THE SECOND COMING: SATANISM IN AMERICA, 2, 1970, Award Books, PB. |
MacLaine, Shirley, "DON'T FALL OFF THE MOUNTAIN", 1, 1970, Norton, HB. See 1971 entry.
Malaclypse the Younger (Greg Hill), PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA, ?, 1970, Rip-Off
Press. Fnord. I list the publishing information above from the
1980 (?) Loompanics edition. I was selling Rip-Off Press comix at
the time (another business, another galaxy, and time, far-far away), and
was quite familiar with their catalogue. I don't remember such
a title...? Anyway, the PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA purports to be the "magnum
opiate" of a High Priest of the Erisian Mysteries, also known as the Discordian
Society. The Goddess Eris, as every deranged schoolboy knows, is
the Greek goddess of Chaos (You knew that, right!). Most people became
aware (if that is the right word) of the absurd profundities of this work
through Shea and Wilson's THE ILLUMINATUS TRILOGY (1975). Of more
things, I cannot speak, being Devoted Master of the Flatulent Traveling
Lodge of the Sacred Chao. Hail Eris! Hail Discord!
Pass the Mustard!
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Margolis, Jack And Richard Clorfene, A CHILD'S GARDEN OF GRASS, 2, 1970, Pocket Books, PB. Popular guide to cannibis and the culture around it. This seemed to be everywhere at one time, and went through several printings and a third edition. This copy looks like it was well used, indeed. |
MOONDANCE, Van Morrison, 1970, Warner Brothers Records, Released Feb.
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Morris, William, THE WELL AT THE WORLD'S END, 1, 1970, Ballantine Books, PB. 2 vols. Ballantine Adult Fantasy series. Later reprinted in a one volume edition. |
MOTHER EARTH NEWS, Magazine, 1970, January 1970 first issue. This
magazine became the unofficial (maybe even official) Bible of the "back
to the land" movement of the early 70's. The emphasis was on teaching
urban hippies how to survive on their communes and farms. Although
the magazine's ecological holier- than-thou attitude (at least in the first
years) was a bit hard to take, it gained a lot of respect over the years
for it's practical how-to information. Today you'll find its
back issues stacked next to Paladin Press books on special weapons out
at your local fascist survivalist camp.
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Mumford, Lewis, THE MYTH OF THE MACHINE, VOL. 2, 1970, Harcourt Brace, HB. The title of this volume is THE PENTAGON OF POWER, and continues the examination of modern technology from the Age of Discovery to the 60's. The special thrust of this volume is Mumford's warning about the potentials for abuse that lie in the new evolving technics. Mumford was especially worried that the scientist would move toward being a kind of new high priest allied with a centralized power structure -- a kind of new "oriental despotism." |
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Mundy, Talbot, PURPLE PIRATE, 1, 1970, Avon, PB. Reprint of 1935 title. This the final installment of the Tros Saga, which takes the reader through the entire tragedy of Anthony, Cleopatra and the rise of Octavian as the new Caesar. This novel came near the end of Mundy's career. He died in 1940, from diabetes. |
Murphy, Gardner, CHALLENGE OF PSYCHICAL RESEARCH, 1970, Harper and Row,
Trade. entry.
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Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, SCIENCE AND CIVILIZATION IN ISLAM, 2, 1970, New American Library, Trade. |
Needleman, Jacob, NEW RELIGIONS, THE, 1, 1970, Doubleday, PB. See research Bibliography.
NIGHT GALLERY, T.V. Show, 1970, First episode 16 Dec. 1970.
Norman, Eric (Warren Smith), GODS, DEMONS, AND SPACE CHARIOTS, 1970,
Lancer, PB. This is a great book to study about how to write the
quickie "downhill" topical paperback book. You can just picture
Mr. Norman (Normal?) sitting next to the typewriter with a
pile of newspaper clippings, a few issues of FATE, a copy of CHARIOTS OF
THE GODS, and a few basic volumes on UFOs. Mr. Norman may even
refer to these sources, once in a while, while his sore and bloody fingers
pound out the basic minimum word count. To keep this all from
getting too dry, Norman includes interviews with saucer cult members, scientists,
and archaeologists, all of whom must have demanded to be "unnamed
sources." Norman/Smith is a Canadian with a fairly good reputation
among UFOlogists. I can only assume that this reputation
has little to do with this book.
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Ostrander, Sheila and Schroeder, Lynn, PSYCHIC DISCOVERIES BEHIND THE IRON CURTAIN, 1, 1970, Prentice Hall, HB. This is basically a summary of what the authors learned at a 1967 Moscow conference on ESP and related topics. The Soviet scientific establishment has always given more weight to the psychic than Western science. Were we to wonder if there was a "Psychic Gap"? Valid or not, this was one of the more influential of the fringe books of the 70's. No one would have tried to preserve fruit or sharpen razor blades in their pyramid, but for this volume. It also brought the world Kirlian photography. It had profound effects on the expanding interest in things psychic in the 70's. |
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Paulsen, Kathryn, COMPLETE BOOK OF MAGIC AND WITCHCRAFT, 1, 1970, Signet, PB. |
Pike, Diane Kennedy, SEARCH, 1, 1970, Doubleday, HB. See 1971 entry.
Ponce, Charles, NATURE OF THE I CHING, 1970, Award Books, PB. entry.
PRIVATE LIFE OF SHERLOCK HOLMES~THE, Motion Picture, 1970, Billy Wilder~Director:,
Billy Wilder and I. A. L. Diamond~Writer:, This was the first film about
Sherlock Holmes in 5 years (see STUDY IN TERROR, 1965 entry). It was a
labor of love for Wilder, a dedicated Holmes fan. In it Holmes falls
in love, and does not solve the mystery.
Wilder's film anticipates the "revisionist" Holmes films of the
70's. I think it had a major influence on Meyer's A SEVEN PER-CENT
SOLUTION, especially his handling of Dr. Watson.
Read, Ann, EDGAR CAYCE ON JESUS AND HIS CHURCH, 1970, Paperback, Library. PB.
Regardie, Israel, EYE IN THE TRIANGLE, 1, 1970, Llewellyn, Trade.
RITUAL OF EVIL, Television Movie, 1970, Robert Day~Director:, Sequel to: FEAR NO EVIL" (1969 entry).
Roberts, Jane, THE SETH MATERIAL, 1970, Prentice Hall, HB and Trade. Seth was a spirit teacher who taught Jane the secrets of the cosmos. This is as good an example of modern spiritualism (now called "channeling") as is currently available. The whole problem with this kind of thing is that it all is a matter of belief. You either buy it or you don't. This is her first Seth book, although she had written HOW TO DEVELOP YOUR ESP POWER about her experiences with a ouija board, back in 1966 (but see 1974 entry). There's over a dozen Seth books by Roberts (not counting posthumous works by her students). They were very popular, convincing a lot of skeptical folk, too. I am still skeptical about the similarities between Seth and Mrs. Georgie Yeats' "teacher" who appears in A VISION (see 1966 entry).
Rogers, Carl, CARL ROGERS ON ENCOUNTER GROUPS, 1970, Harper and Row, PB. entry.
Rosenberg, Samuel, COME AS YOU ARE MASQUERADE PARTYTHE, 1, 1970, Prentice Hall, HB See 1972 entry.
Rubin, Jerry, DO IT, 1970, Simon and Schuster, HB.
Ruitenbeek, Hendrik M., NEW GROUP THERAPIES, 1970, Avon, PB.
Sanders, Ed, SHARDS OF GOD: A NOVEL OF THE YIPPIES, 1, 1971, Grove Press, PB.
Sanderson, Ivan T., INVISIBLE RESIDENTS, 1, 1970, World Publishing,
HB. Sanderson presents a bizarre idea that UFOs come from beneath
the sea--that there may be a submarine civilization contemporary
to our own. The idea sounds absurd, but Sanderson manages to
be convincing with it. Sanderson was a biologist who liked
to dabble in the world of the unexplained. He incorporated Gaddis' arguments
for the "Bermuda Triangle" into his work. I think this book may have
put the five year old idea cooking on high heat (see Sanderson, 1972 entry).
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Santesson, Hans Stefan, UNDERSTANDING MU, 1970, Paperback Library, PB. See also Earll, 1970 entry. This is really a one volume summary of Churchwood's MU books (see 1968 entry). There's hardly a critical thought in the whole work, nor does Santesson add or build much in the way of new evidence for the existence of the lost continent. The work has one great virtue, though: It saves most of us the deadly chore of reading Churchwood's books! Santesson should receive hearty thanks for that. The book also reprints a lecture on MU that Churchwood presented before the American Society for Psychical Research on 20 April, 1931. I'm sure the experience must have left the members a bit short of breath. |
Saxl, Fritz, HERITAGE OF IMAGES, 1970, Penguin, Trade.
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Saxon, Peter, VAMPIRES OF FINISTERE, THE, 1970, Berkley, PB. (THE GUARDIANS #4). See 1969 entry. |
Shepard, Martin, and Lee~Marjorie, MARATHON 16, 1, 1970, Putnam, HB. See 1971 entry.
Singer, June, THE UNHOLY BIBLE, 1970, Putnam, HB. Need Copy and
Info. About William Blake.
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SKULL, Underground Comix, Issue 1, 1970. Rip Off Press. The underground comix movement was largely a revolt against the censorship imposed on comic book publishing which began in the 50s as a result of EC and other horror comics. So it was poetic justice when the underground comic arts began to produce their own EC style comix. SKULL was one of the first and the best series in this (amem) vein. Notice the cover is both a parody and an homage to the old EC style covers. Of course the stuff inside was everything your mother warned you about, and more... |
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Smith, Clark Ashton, ZOTHIQUE, 1970, Ballantine, PB. Ballantine Adult Fantasy series, edited, and with an introduction, epilogue, and map, by Lin Carter |
Stern, Jess, SEEKERS, THE, 2, 1970, Bantam, PB, Entry.
Stewart, Mary, CRYSTAL CAVE, THE, 1, 1970, William Morrow, HB. Mary Stewart was mostly known as a writer of mysteries and gothics for the women's market. This was the first of her Arthurian novels told from the viewpoint of Merlin. Stewart followed medieval historian Geoffrey of Monmouth in her plotting. Stewart's quietly esoteric view of late Celtic culture was very popular, and had a big hand in the sudden interest in Celtic culture in the 70's. All her Arthurian books sold like wildfire, and continue to sell with each printing.
Vignon, Paul, SHROUD OF CHRIST, THE, 1970, University Books, HB. Translation of 1902 French title. PB? The Shroud of Turin is the Bermuda Triangle of Christianity. This is the book that started the modern controversies over the authenticity of the shroud. Vignon advanced the theory that "vapors" created by sweat, blood, dirt, and spices used in funeral preparations caused the image of Jesus to be preserved on his winding sheet. Even the recent pro-authenticity groups have abandoned this theory. The last guy to get physical proof of the crucifixion was the apostle Thomas, and there's good reason to believe he was the last. The most telling argument against the authenticity of the shroud is a textual/ theological one: If such a winding sheet existed, the Gospel writers would have surely made much of it in the New Testament. They say nothing about it.
Waite, Arthur Edward, PICTORIAL KEY TO THE TAROT, 2, 1970, Lancer Books, Trade. Need Copy and Info. Above date a guess. This version of Waite's book came out on Lancer's Larchmont Trade line. Lancer's dating and printing history always left something to be desired. Lancer also published a series of Aleister Crowley titles in this series. The PICTORIAL KEY was public domain by that time. From time to time, I hear of other editions in paperback besides those listed here. If there are more, there is a need to finally catalogue them. Waite's deck and book have been used and abused by every one from T. S. Eliot (THE WASTE LAND) to comic books, so knowing something about various editions would be a good resource.
Watts, Alan W., NATURE, MAN AND WOMAN, ?, 1970, Vintage, PB.
Watts, Alan W., DOES IT MATTER? 1, 1970, Pantheon Books, PB.
Zelazny, Roger, NINE PRINCES IN AMBER, 1, 1970, Doubleday, HB. The first novel in a long series of fantasy tales about a family, living as normal people in this dimension, but ruling a magical, intrigue ridden kingdom in another dimension. Each family member carries a special Tarot deck which allows him to cross the dimensional barriers (among other things). This has been Zelazny's most enduring and popular series.
Zelazny, Roger, CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS, 2, 1970, Avon, PB.
Zolar (pseudonym). ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ANCIENT AND FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE, 1970, Popular Library, PB.