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Anthony, Piers, SOS THE ROPE, 1, 1968, Pyramid, PB. |
Ashe, Geoffrey, ed., QUEST FOR ARTHUR'S BRITAIN, 1968, Praeger, HB.
ASTRAL WEEKS, Morrison, Van, 1968, Warner Brothers Records, LP. Released
November 1968.
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BARBARELLA, Motion Picture, 1968, Vadim, Director: Roger, From Jean Claude Forest's Comic Strip. |
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BARBARELLA, Comic Strip, 2, 1965, Grove Press, Trade. Writer/Illustrator: Jean Claude Forest. The trade edition has Jane Fonda on the cover to tie in with Vadim's movie version. |
BEATLES (AKA "The White Album"), THE, Beatles, The, 1968, Apple Records. LP. Released 22 Nov. 1968.
Becker, Raymond de, UNDERSTANDING OF DREAMS, THE, 1968, Hawthorne Books, HB. Translation of 1965 French title.
Braden, William, PRIVATE SEA: LSD AND THE SEARCH FOR GOD, THE, 1968, Bantam, PB. Need copy and info.
Brand, Stewart, et. al., WHOLE EARTH CATALOGUE, THE, 1968, Original publisher needed. Trade.
Brown, Norman O., LOVE'S BODY, 1968, Vintage, PB. Brown intended this volume as a continuation of the themes in LIFE AGAINST DEATH (see 1959 entry), but in the meantime Brown had adopted the aphoristic style of Nietzsche. The result is a poetic, almost mystical book. Brown's fascination with William Blake may have helped revive interest in the poet's work.
Burroughs, William S., THE TICKET THAT EXPLODED, 2, 1968, Grove Press, PB.
Camp, L. Sprague de, DRAGON OF THE ISHTAR GATE, THE, 2, 1968, Lancer,
PB. entry.
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Castaneda, Carlos, TEACHINGS OF DON JUAN, THE, 1, 1968, University of California Press, HB. Don Juan was a Yaqui Apache medicine man from Sonora, Mexico, and Carlos Castaneda his famous pupil. Castaneda supposedly did all this as part of his field work in anthropology at U.C.L.A., between 1960 and 1965. Over the years much of Castaneda's "original" research has been called into question by other anthropologists. "Carlos Castaneda" seems to be a pseudonym (see Adam Smith, POWERS OF MIND, 1975 entry). The later books were not published by the university press, and became less anthropological with each volume. I've seen them classified as "occult novels" and "mystical fiction" in some larger bookstores. Even hardcore Castaneda fans admit that the first book (or books) are the best, and the later titles seem to be repetitious (see 1969 entry). |
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Cavendish, Richard, BLACK ARTS, THE, 2, 1968, Putnam, HB. Capricorn/Trade. This was probably the most popular occult survey of the period. The hardback seemed to be everywhere due to the Universe Book Club edition. The trade paperback was a standard stock item in college bookstores. The book is a fairly accurate survey of traditional Western occult doctrine and magic, with an emphasis on the Golden Dawn systems and practices. Cavendish's fascination with Aleister Crowley in this volume, probably did much to renew interest in Crowley's works. Cavendish was also the editor of the extremely influencial MAN, MYTH AND MAGIC series (see 1970 entry). |
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Churchwood, James, LOST CONTINENT OF MU, THE, 1968, Paperback
Library, PB. This is the first reprint of a series of books written by
Churchwood in the 20's and 30's. Churchwood claimed to have found documents
in India that showed that civilization began on a lost Pacific continent
called "Mu". They are pleasantly crackpot in a late Victorian manner. I
mention this series as an example of the explosion of reprint titles that
was going on at the time. (See also Earll, and Santesson, 1970 entries).
Churchwood, James, CHILDREN OF MU, 1968, Paperback Library, PB. Second of the Mu books. |
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Clarke, Arthur C., 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY, 1, 1968, Signet, HB (shown) and PB. Based on screenplay by Clarke and Stanley Kubrick. |
Cleaver, Eldridge, SOUL ON ICE, 1, 1968, McGraw Hill, HB.
Cleaver, Eldridge, SOUL ON ICE, 2, 1968, Delta, Trade. See 1969 entry.
Daniken, Erich von, ZURUCK DU DEN STERNEN, 1, 1968, Evon-Verlay, HB. Brit.:RETURN TO THE STARS. US: GODS FROM OUTER SPACE. With a note about Erich von Daniken by William Roggersdorf.
Daniken, Erich von, ERINNERUNGEN AN DIE ZUKUNFT, 1, 1968, Econ-Verlay/ German ed., HB. CHARIOTS OF THE GODS, US Title. I'll be blunt: It's no coincidence that CHARIOTS OF THE GODS was published the same year that 2001 was released. Von Daniken is one of the world's worst researchers, but no one can fault his sense of timing.
THE DEVIL RIDES OUT; THE DEVIL'S BRIDE, U.S. Title, THE, Motion Picture. 1968, Terence Fisher, Director; Richard Matheson , Writer:, The Hammer film adaptation of the best of Dennis Wheatley's occult novels. The magical rituals were unnervingly close to the real thing, and you'll see many stills from this film used in picture books on magic. Shortly after this, most of Wheatley's occult novels were reprinted in both Britain and America.
Dick, Philip K., DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP? 1, 1968, Doubleday,
HB. See 1969 entry.
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Downing, Barry H., BIBLE AND FLYING SAUCERS, THE, 1, 1968, Lippincott,
HB. See 1970 entry. Downing was a Presbyterian theologian who specialized
in relationships between science and religion. He explores the possibilities
that certain events in the Bible are actually UFO interventions. Rather
than postulating that man has misinterpreted UFOs, he suggests that the
UFOs may have been the agents of God. Downing is really interested in presenting
UFOs as a way out of the literalist/ demythological debate going on in
theological circles at the time. Although it is interesting to see a theologian
treating the subject of UFOs seriously, Downing fails to commit himself
to any real conclusion. I suspect that he found his argument taking him
in directions he really didn't want to go (see also 1970 and 1973 entries).
Ebon, Martin, PROPHESY IN OUR TIME, 1, 1968, New American Library, HB. See below.
Ebon, Martin, PROPHESY IN OUR TIME, 2, 1968, Signet, PB. entry.
Edwards, Frank, FLYING SAUCERS--HERE AND NOW, 2, 1968, Bantam, PB. entry.
Edwards, Frank, STRANGE WORLD, 2, 1968, Bantam, PB. entry.
Ehrlich, Paul, POPULATION BOMB, THE, 1, 1968, Ballantine, PB. Ehrlich was a biologist at Stanford University who predicted that unlimited population growth would lead to a depletion of the world's food supply and natural resources, and ultimately to the collapse of civilization as we know it. This book had an incredible impact. According to Kenneth Davis, it was a major factor in the change in attitude about birth control and conservation of natural resources. In terms of publishing it was also a landmark. Ballantine brought it out as a paperback original, without a hardback edition. It was a giant best seller. The paperback original was losing its image as a second rate product.
Eisenburg, Jule, WORLD OF TED SERIOS, THE, 2, 1968, Pocket Books, PB.
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Evans-Wentz, W. Y., THE TIBETAN BOOK OF THE GREAT LIBERATION, 2, Oxford University Press, Trade. Psychological Commentary by C. G. Jung. Tired of other writers writing so much in his books Evans-Wentz, gives himself well over half of this book as his "General Introduction", and lets Carl Jung ramble on and on about Archetypes and such for LXIV pages. It is rather like going to to movies and watching an hour and a half of preview trailers, and then, oh by the way, "Here's the little flick you came to see." Ok, it is a classic, but this sort of scholarship seems more and more absurd to me each time I encounter it. |
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Framer, Philip Jose, FLESH, 2, 1968, Doubleday, HB. Revised and expanded edition of earlier paperback original (see 1960 entry). |
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Farmer, Philip Jose, IMAGE OF THE BEAST, 1, 1968, Essex House, (North Hollywood, CA), PB. See BLOWN, 1969 entry. |
"Free" [Abbie Hoffman], REVOLUTION FOR THE HELL OF IT, 1, 1968, Dial, HB and Trade. See 1970 entry.
Garrett, Eileen J., ADVENTURES IN THE SUPERNATURAL, 1968, Paperback Library, PB. Reprint of 1949 title.
Garrett, Eileen J., SENSE AND NONSENSE OF PROPHESY, THE, 2, 1968, Berkley, PB. entry.
Garrett, Eileen J., TELEPATHY, 1968, Berkley, PB. Reprint of 1941 title.
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Gaskell, Jane, ATLAN, 2, 1968, Paperback Library, PB.
Gaskell, Jane, THE CITY, 1, 1968, Paperback Library, PB. Gaskell, Jane, THE SERPENT, 1, 1968, Paperback Library, PB. |
Gibson. Walter B. and Gibson, Litzka R., COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF THE PSYCHIC SCIENCES, THE, 2, 1968, Pocket Books, PB.
Goodavage, Joseph, WRITE YOUR OWN HOROSCOPE, 1, 1968, Signet, PB. See 1975 entry.
Haggard, H. Rider, KING SOLOMON'S MINES, 1968, Lancer, PB.
Haliday, F. W., GIANT ORM OF LOCH NESS, THE, 1968, Norton, HB. Need Copy and Info.
Heuvelmans, Bernard, IN THE WAKE OF THE SEA-SERPENT, 1968, Hill and
Wang, HB. Translation of 1961 French title. This is invaluable if completeness
and detail are to your taste. It is a massive history of the many sittings
of sea-monsters, along with an analysis of each incident.
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H.P. LOVECRAFT, 1968, LP, Mercury/ Phillips Records. This group, later known simply as Lovecraft, performed high energy versions of traditional folk material along with songs inspired by the works of Howard Phillips Lovecraft., like "At the Mountains of Madness," and "The White Ship." All this happened just a few years before the H.P. Lovecraft revival got up a full head of steam, and surely helped to spark interest in his work. |
Huber, Jack, THROUGH AN EASTERN WINDOW, 2, 1968, Bantam, PB.
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Hurwood, Berhardt J., THE FIRST OCCULT REVIEW READER, 1968, Award Books, PB. An anthology of articles from the OCCULT REVIEW. This publication had its heyday in the 20s and 30s and claimed some of the more serious writers in the field. This volume contained material by J.B Rhine, Alan Watts, Upton Sinclair, Bertrand Russell, Gerald Heard, Sax Rohmer, and Harold T. Wilkins. There was a SECOND OCCULT REVIEW READER issued by Award in 1969. |
Hyde, Margaret O., ed. MIND DRUGS, 1, 1968, McGraw Hill, HB. See 1969 entry.
I CHING, Blofeld, Translation: John, 2, 1968, Dutton, PB. This was probably the second most popular version of the I CHING (after Wilhelm's "Jungian Bible"). Blofeld translated it directly into English in a simple, direct syntax. As he didn't burden it down with lengthy commentaries, it was often dubbed "the simple Ching". Blofeld was an Englishman attracted to Eastern religions, who chose to live in the Far East. Over the years, he's written a good sized bookshelf of titles about Far Eastern mysticism and religion.
Jung, C. G., et.al., MAN AND HIS SYMBOLS, 2, 1968, Dell, PB. Dell took this large format picture book and shrunk it down to mass paperback size. Some of the pictures were the size of postage stamps. The text must have been right, because it was all over the college scene by the early 70's. Most people got their first introduction to Jungian ideas from this book. And who were the professors who ordered this for their classes? Psychologists? No. They were too busy racing rats through mazes (Ratomorphology). It was English teachers. Jungian or archetypal criticism was coming into fashion.
Klass, Philip J., UFOs--IDENTIFIED, 1968, Random House, HB. Klass' first
skeptical book on UFOs is probably his best, to date (but see 1988 entry).
Here, he advances the idea that UFOs are balls of plasma or "ball lightening."
While Klass is skeptical about extraterrestrials, he does try his hand
at a logical physical explanation for sittings. The book does not show
as much of Klass' mean spirited attacks as appear in his later books (1974
and 1983 entries). There is no index, and documentation is haphazard.
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Leary, Timothy, HIGH PRIEST, 1968, World, HB. |
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Leiber, Fritz, SWORDS AGAINST WIZARDRY, 1, 1968, Ace, PB. The reintroduction of Fafard and the Grey Mouser to a mass audience. |
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Levin, Ira, ROSEMARY'S BABY, 2, 1968, Dell, PB. The movie tie-in ed. is shown. |
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Lorenzen, Jim & Coral, UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS, 1968. Signet, PB. |
Machen, Arthur, THE GREEN ROUND, 1968, ARKHAM HOUSE, 1968, HB. Reprint
of 1933 British ed. This was Arthur Machen's last horror novel. This
edition was the first Machen reprinted in many years.
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Markham, Robert [Kingsley Amis], COLONEL SUN, 1, Jonathan Cape (Britain) and Harper & Row, HB. This has the distinction of being the first James Bond novel not written by Iam Fleming, and the only Bond novel ever written by a respected mainstream novelist. The surreal cover of the British HB ed. is shown. |
Metzner, Ralph, ECSTATIC ADVENTURE, THE, 1968, Macmillan, HB. Need Copy
and info.
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Moorcock, Michael, BEHOLD THE MAN, 1968, Avon, PB. |
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Moorcock, Michael, THE FINAL PROGRAMME, 1968, Avon, PB. First of the Jerry Cornelieus novels. |
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Moorcock, Michael, SWORD OF THE DAWN, 1, 1968, Lancer, PB. 3rd Vol. in Moorcock's HISTORY OF THE RUNESTAFF quartet. |
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Mundy, Talbot, DEVIL'S GUARD, THE, 1968, Avon, PB. Reprint of 1927 title. Jimgrim is Talbot Mundy's quintessential high adventure pulp hero. He wanders around the Mid-East and the Far East as a kind of self-appointed cosmic secret agent seeking to defuse explosive political situations and battling fanaticism (where is he now!). He is always accompanied by an international (interracial and ecumenical, too) team of buddies bound to him by their undying loyalty. He's Doc Savage without the superpowers. When I re-read these stories recently, it occurred to me that those later Doc Savage stories might owe a great deal to the earlier Jimgrim tales (another hint for the hungry scholar. All I ask is to be remembered in your footnotes!). Mundy claimed that he based Jimgrim on an American acquaintance, but it's obvious that T. E. Lawrence is also part of the model. |
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Mundy, Talbot, JIMGRIM, 1968, Avon, PB. Reprint of 1931 title. This was the final Jimgrim novel, and gosh, it's got it all! The scene shifts from Europe, to the Mid-East, to India, and finally climaxes in Tibet. The villain is a super occultist who seeks to be "King of the World" through ancient and arcane knowledge he has amassed. Even our hero and his loyal friends are powerless to stop him! Only by making the ULTIMATE sacrifice can Jimgrim stop his plans for world domination! Global conspiracy! Cosmic conflict atop a mountain in mysterious Tibet! Man, what else do you want? I just love this stuff. The only thing wrong with Avon's revival of Mundy's books, is that there were more Jimgrim novels they didn't publish. |
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Norman, John [John Frederick Lange, Jr.], PRIEST KINGS OF GOR, 1, Ballantine Books, PB. The third of the Gor series, and about the last to have any reason for being outside of the B&D/S&M fantasy world. Gor fans will complain about this, but I know what they are wearing under their clothes, and how to make it really hurt. |
Ouspensky, P. D., PSYCHOLOGY OF MAN'S POSSIBLE EVOLUTION, 1968, Bantam, PB. Reprint of 1954 American ed.
Pauwels, Louis, and Bergier, Jacques, DER PLANET DER UNMOGLICHERE, 1,
1968, Scherz Verlag/ German ed. ? IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBILITIES, US Title.
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Pauwels, Louis, and Bergier, Jacques, MORNING OF THE MAGICIANS, 5, 1968, Avon, PB. The paperback version of this title had a suitably psychedelic cover, and was one of the basic volumes in the counterculture library. See "The Quixotic Dialectical Metaphysical Manifesto." |
Piggott, Stuart, DRUIDS, THE, 1, 1968, Thames and Hudson /British ed.,
HB. See 1974 entry.
Pike, James A. and Kennedy, Diane, OTHER SIDE, THE, 1968, Doubleday, HB. PB?
Priestly, J. B., MAN AND TIME, 2, 1968, Dell, PB. What was said about Jung's MAN AND HIS SYMBOLS (1968) in Dell's mass format can be applied to this edition. Priestly was obsessed with time. His plays and novels all deal with the problems of time. This was probably the best general introduction to the theories of time available in the period. It's still very good, but now dated. Jung's theory of synchronicity (meaningful coincidence in time) was a hot topic at the time, so Priestley's volume was a nice companion piece.
Raine, Kathleen, BLAKE AND TRADITION, 1968, Princeton University Press/
Bollingen, HB. 2 Volumes. This massive work played a major role in the
re-evaluation and revival of William Blake's art and poetry. Many former
writers assumed Blake to be an isolated, unique character, who created
exclusively out of his own creative ego (which is a stupid idea, when you
really think about it). Raine showed that this interpretation was very
wrong. She shows Blake to be part of the intellectual and mystical movements
of his day, and hardly isolated. Raine would contribute much to the revival
and re-evaluation of W. B. Yeats, and this work does show how influential
Blake was to that later poet. Blake was one of the spiritual and intellectual
heroes of the 60's and 70's, and Raine's many books on him provided good
reasons (see BLAKE AND ANTIQUITY, 1977 entry).
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Rampa, T. Lobsang, DOCTOR FROM LHASA, THE, 1968, Bantam, PB. Reprint of 1959 British title. 2nd Rampa Book. Need info on earlier Ballantine (?) ed. of this . |
Rampa, T. Lobsang, RAMPA STORY, THE, 1968, Bantam, PB. Reprint of 1961 British title. 3rd Rampa book. Need info on earlier Ballantine (?) of this title.
Ready, William, TOLKIEN RELATION, THE, 1, 1968, Henry Regnery, HB. See UNDERSTANDING TOLKIEN, 1969 entry.
Ropp, Robert de, MASTER GAME, THE, 1968, Delacorte Press, HB. Delta/Trade/Date ? The subtitle is "Pathways to Higher Consciousness Beyond the Drug Experience." De Ropp calls his method "creative psychology" though today it would likely be found in the "human potential" category. It's actually a modification of methods the author picked up from mystic guru G. I. Gurdjieff, and later Gurdjieff followers. It surely helped introduce Gurdjieff's work to a new generation. De Ropp was a biochemist who had done early studies on drugs. Note that even six years after the beginning of the psychedelic age, many of its founders were moving rapidly away from drugs as a consciousness expanding tool. The trend would continue to grow.
ROSEMARY'S BABY, Motion Picture, 1968, Director: Roman Polanski. There's a lot of important things about this film. First, there's sex. It contained some very frank talk about how it's done, realities of fertility, and birthing. That was new. Secondly, this film broke horror out of the B movie class, and led the way for other big budget horror films. Lastly, there was an attempt to give the film some occult authenticity. For this, Polanski hired Anton Le Vey, the self-styled high priest of The Church of Satan. This brought Le Vey to national attention. Before this, most of the publicity Le Vey got came from the cheaper men's magazines, which were more interested in the naked fleshy pulchritude of his female followers than in his occult doctrine (see LeVey, 1970 entry).
Pyramid Books, PB. New revised abridgement, with a new preface.
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Sade, Marquis De, JULIETTE, 1968, Grove Press, HB, Trade, and PB. Translated by Austryn Wainhouse. 6 vols in 1. |
Saunders, David R. and Harkins, Roger S., UFOs? YES! 1968, Signet, PB.
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Saxon, Peter, SATAN'S CHILD, 1968, Lancer, PB. "Peter Saxon" began as a pseudonym for W. Howard Baker when writing for the Sexton Blake mystery series in Britain. Later it became simply a house name for British publisher Mayflower Books. The real author of this one seems to have been Wilfred McNeilly, who once claimed to have written all of the Saxon books. He didn't. The cover of the US ed., was by Jeff Jones. |
Schonfield, Hugh, THOSE INCREDIBLE CHRISTIANS, 1, 1968, Bernard Geis, HB.
Schweitzer, Albert, QUEST OF THE HISTORICAL JESUS, THE, 3, 1968, Macmillan,
Trade. With new introduction by James M. Robinson.
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SCREW, Magazine, First issue November 1968. Al Goldstein, who had produced the slick (and expensive) EROS magazine in the early 60s, went for broke in this calculated assault on prudery. Unfortunately , the prudes struck back and landed Goldstein in jail. For a time some of my friends were thinking of following Goldstein's lead and publishing F**K YOU: A MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS, but could not raise funding. Well, it sounded like a good idea at the time... |
Seth, Ronald, WITCHES AND THEIR CRAFT, 1, 1968, Taplinger, HB. First published in Britain in 1967. See 1969 entry.
Silverberg, Robert, MOUND BUILDERS OF ANCIENT AMERICA, THE, 1968, New York Graphic Society, HB.
Siu, R. G. H., PORTABLE DRAGON, THE, 1968, M.I.T. Press, HB. Trade?
Spence, Lewis, HISTORY OF ATLANTIS, THE, 1968, University Book, HB. Reprint of 1926 title. One of several rather well done titles which Spence published about Atlantis in his lifetime. |
Spraggett, Allen, UNEXPLAINED, THE, 2, 1968, Signet, PB. entry
Steiger, Brad, STRANGERS FROM THE STARS, 1966, Award Books, PB.
Steiger, Brad, IN MY SOUL I AM FREE, 1968, Lancer, PB. on ECK.
Stern, Jess, EDGAR CAYCE--THE SLEEPING PROPHET, 2, 1968, Bantam, PB. entry
Twitchell, Paul, ECKANKAR: THE KEY TO SECRET WORLDS, 1, 1968, Lancer,
PB. entry .
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2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY, Motion Picture, 1968, Director: Stanley Kubrick, Writers: Arthur C. Clarke (see above), with Stanley Kubrick. I will confine myself to a few observations on some of the themes of the time in the film. 1) Computers had been around just long enough to have frustrated the average person to no end. HAL was just the ultimate expression of that frustration. 2) The core of the film is a voyage of cosmic discovery, not physical exploration. 3) The film presented one of Clarke's persistent themes: extraterrestrial contacts with an ancient Earth. Clarke said that advanced technology will appear to be magic to a primitive culture. The extraterrestrial technology is so advanced, in 2001, that it appears godlike. It was an idea whose time had come (see von Daniken, 1968 entry). |
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Wasson, R. Gordon, SOMA: DIVINE MUSHROOM OF IMMORTALITY, 1968, Harcourt Brace Javanovich, HB. Probably the most important book ever written on the use of psychoactive mushrooms in shamanic religious contexts. Wasson was a good friend of Robert Graves, and his ideas influenced a many of Graves later mythological theories. See also Alegro, SACRED MUSHROOM AND THE CROSS, 1970 entry. |
Wind, Edgar, PAGAN MYSTERIES IN THE RENAISSANCE, 1968, Barnes and Noble,
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Wolfe, Tom, ELECTRIC KOOL-AID ACID TEST, THE, 1, 1968, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, HB. See 1969 entry. |
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ZAP COMIX #1, Underground Comic Book, 1968, Apex Novelties, Robert Crumb, Writer/Illustrator:, #l, Feb. 1968, but dated Nov 1968. Although there were many different (and better) underground comix during this period, the ZAP series will probably always be the one which best remembered as the quintessential "head" comix of the 60s. |
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